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Autogenous welding

AUTOGENOUS WELDING is the original technique in the world of welding. As its name suggests, its main characteristics are that the metals to be welded are of the same nature or type, and that it does not require any external input, since this welding is achieved by fusing both edges of the pieces.

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Applications of autogenous welding

Some of the applications of autogenous welding

Ideal para diferentes tipos de materiales

soldadura láser y grabación en material de aluminio cepillado
Carbon Steels
soldadura láser y grabación en material de cobre
soldadura láser y grabación en material de acero inoxidable
Stainless steel

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Pros y Contras

Toda tecnología debe ser usada y elegida sabiamente para evitar sobrecostes. Por eso siempre queremos transmitirte las ventajas e inconvenientes de la Autogenous welding


The beads are very strong and less sensitive to corrosion thanks to the protection of oxygen ingress that the inert gas brings to the electric arc

Preguntas frecuentes

Seguro que tienes muchas preguntas sobre el funcionamiento de nuestro servicio de Autogenous welding

Do you have a defined price for welding or engraving?

Yes, we do, however each client is different and our approach is to make a budget totally tailored to you, so that you never overpay.
That's why it's always best to contact us, so we can give you an estimate.

What is the delivery time?

Speed is very important and for us it is common to deliver orders in less than 24 hours.
Although all this depends on the volume and difficulty of the work.
The best thing to do is to contact us and propose your project. When we have all the details we can give you an estimated deadline.

What is autogenous welding?

Autogenous welding, also known as gas welding or oxyacetylene welding, is a welding process that uses a mixture of gases (usually oxygen and acetylene) to produce a flame that melts the base metal and joins it without the need for filler material.

What are the benefits of autogenous welding?

  • Simplicity: No input material is required in many cases.
  • Versatility: Can be used for welding, cutting and heating metals.
  • Portability: The equipment is relatively portable and easy to use in the field.
  • Heat Control: Allows good control of the heat applied to the workpiece.

In what applications is autogenous welding used?

Autogenous welding is used in repairs, small shop work, artistic applications, and in situations where a portable and versatile solution is required.

What are the key parameters of autogenous welding?

  • Gas mixture: The ratio of oxygen to acetylene in the flame.
  • Gas Pressure: The pressure at which gases are supplied to the flare.
  • Flame Type: Setting the flame to neutral, oxidizing or fuel depending on the application.
  • Nozzle Size: The proper nozzle for the thickness and type of metal to be welded.

How is autogenous welding performed?

  1. Preparation: Clean surfaces to be welded and prepare welding equipment.
  2. Parameter Setting: Set the gas proportions and pressures to obtain the proper flame.
  3. Execution: Ignite the torch, adjust the flame and apply heat to the weld joint, moving the torch evenly to melt and join the base metal.

What are the limitations of autogenous welding?

  • Lower Penetration: Not ideal for very thick materials or where deep penetration is required.
  • Speed: Can be slower compared to other modern welding methods.
  • Safety: Careful handling of gases is required to avoid risks of explosion or fire.

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